Foota Hype quits Downsound Records, cites Ishawna songs as part of decision

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Foota Hype and IshawnaProminent sound system selector and producer, Foota Hype says he has severed all ties with Downsound Records after nearly three years with the Josef Bogdanovich led label, claiming they disrespected him by releasing songs by ex-fiancee, Ishawna that were allegedly aimed at him following their recent break-up.

Foota made the announcement Tuesday morning via his official Instagram page, saying “Good morning. Effective this minute, right now @footahypemusic is no longer apart of the @downsound_music company. I QUIT, resigned, lef di work,, whichever way wi can put it on the basis of not getting the respect I deserve from the company and CEO, Josef Bogdanovich.”

He added, “As in them producing and releasing material in the form of a song that is aimed at violating and disrespecting me and my brand. I will not work for a company that is deliberately trying to tear down my brand, image and, character in order to make another person in [the] same company relevant. At the end of the day I was Foota Hype before @downsound_music and will continue to be after.”

The songs Foota Hype are referring to are Restraining Order and Cry Baby, released by his ex, Ishawna under the Downsound within the last month; with both being alleged to be diss tracks aimed at the selector. The two, who had been together for nine years and engaged for a year, split in March, though no official reason for the breakup was given.

When asked about the songs, Ishawna admitted Restraining Order was about Foota, but denied Cry Baby was a diss track, telling the Jamaica STAR in an interview published Wednesday that the song was done as a counteraction to Papa San’s classic single, Maddy Maddy Cry.

She insists Foota Hype should stop carrying feelings because of these songs.

“I wish Foota Hype the best with his life, but I am an artiste, and music is like therapy for me,” she told the newspaper. “This is how I work out my problems. I put everything in music, and he needs to get over himself, this song is not about him.”

Bogdanovich put out a statement, however, contradicting Foota’s claim that he has left the label. The Downsound CEO nstead intimated that he and several other artists contracted to the label, including Specialist and Harry Toddler have been suspended without pay until further notice as the label undergoes a major transformation as they are set to leave their St. Andrew Park premises after a court ruled that the property under which the label was housed was in a residential zone and should be moved following several complaints from people in the area.

“The recent developments at Downsound are geared towards addressing our international presence,” the statement read. “We have made staff changes addressing the key areas of international promotion and artiste development. We have actually outgrown our 43 St Andrew Park location. We have been there over a decade, and this is an opportunity to expand,and for us to move to a more technically advanced environment.”

It continued, “We are going to focus on the careers of Ninja Man, Ishawna and Nature. Downsound Records is always seeking opportunities to expand the scope of its business. That is our primary focus going forward, tapping into new income streams and raising the international profile and excitement level on the music scene … just watch!”

However, Foota reiterated to the STAR that he has left, taking a parting shot at Ishawna in the process, claiming she only had one hit in her career thanks to him.

 “Foota is always Foota. When I went to Downsound, it was nowhere in dancehall like where it is now,” he said. “It is my energy that bring them to the forefront. Mi find hit wid Specialist, mi find hit wid Nature. The only hit Ishawna have, is me mek it. Mi a do my work, and dem a deal wid soap opera thing, and mi nuh deh pon dat.”

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