Gay Rights Groups Take Aim At Buju’s Virginia Show

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The gay firestorm being created by Buju Banton’s ‘Rasta Got Soul’ U.S. tour continues unabated. Buju Banton is scheduled to perform on September 26 at the National in Richmond, Virginia, however gay rights groups in that city are reportedly putting ‘the squeeze’ on city representatives, including the mayor, in an effort to have the show canceled.

One outraged gay rights activist reportedly wrote to Richmond City Councilwoman Ellen Robertson expressing discomfort and anger towards the upcoming Buju Banton show. Robertson reportedly responded saying “I cannot afford to set and allow this group to come to town. I will be asking the Chief of Police to meet with me and the owners of the National to address the urgency of this matter. By way of this email, John will follow up with the Mayor and Chief to coordinate a meeting.

Buju Banton’s Gargamel Music record label recently released a general press release on the matter; unfortunately for him however, it seems the gay rights groups are simply not hearing, or not listening. His tour kicks off tonight at the Trocadero in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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1 Comment on "Gay Rights Groups Take Aim At Buju’s Virginia Show"

  1. San Francisco Social Justice Activist\

    Unforunately for him?

    Have you read Boom Bye-Bye? Do you know that buju still sells it? Performed it as recently as 2006? Stands by the lyrics? Says “The War Between me and Faggots will never end?”

    How can you sympathy lie with the guy who graphically fantasized about killing gay-lesbian people and then refused to make amends for it?

    Let me lay it out for ya…NO gay person in the world (or very few) would accept the argument, “oooh that buju what a sensitive and talented artist he is except for the whole ‘murder gays’ thing he has.”

    Why would you accept that?

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