Another man charged along with Ninja Man

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A fourth suspect has been charged by Members of the Major Investigation Task Force in connection with the March murder of Ricardo Johnson, in Olympic Gardens, Kingston. The suspect, Seymour Samuels, joins dance hall artiste Desmond “Ninja Man” Ballentine, his son and another man charged for the 20-year old’s murder.

Mr. Samuels, who was charged last week, was remanded until June 1, when he appeared in the Half-Way-Tree Criminal Court on Tuesday.
Investigators say Mr. Samuels was recently captured during a police manhunt. Mr. Johnson was shot dead along Marl Road on March 16 when persons traveling in a motor car opened fire at a man.

The bullets missed the intended target and struck Mr. Johnson who was standing on the road. Ninja Man and his son Janiel were later fingered as the gunmen. The artiste surrendered to the police a few days later, while his 20-year old son and another suspect, Clayton Dennis, were captured in St Ann in April.

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