Former Miss Jamaica World finalist pleads guilty to drug charges

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Runner-up in the 2008 Miss Jamaica World pageant and former JetBlue flight attendant, Marsha Gay Reynolds has plead guilty to a count of cocaine possession with intent to distribute.

The 32-year-old Reynolds now faces a minimum of 10 years in prison and will be sentenced on March 13 of next year. The former pageant entrant copped the charge after she was caught attempting to smuggle 70 pounds of cocaine through Los Angeles International Airport, where she worked at the time.

While carrying a large suitcase, Reynolds was asked to do a random security screening by Transportation Security Administration officials, and was acting nervous before making a quick phone call.
Reynolds went to a secondary screening area where she dropped her handbag, ditched her heels and moved down an escalator that was moving upwards. The suitcase in question that Reynolds left behind at LAX reportedly contained cocaine worth up to US$3 million in street value, including 11 packages of the drug wrapped up in green cellophane with the writing ‘BIG Ranch’ on it.
After fleeing LAX, Reynolds ended up in New York – where she resided at the time – where she surrendered to law enforcement officials at the John F. Kennedy International Airport in March.
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