Gays wont purchase jamaican products…

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A gay-rights group in San Francisco has launched a boycott of Jamaica and Jamaican products.

They are protesting against what they claim to be an increase in attacks against homosexuals in Jamaica.

The group is calling its demonstration, the Boycott Jamaica Campaign.

Bevan Dufty a member of the gay-rights group says he has arranged a meeting with the honorary consul of Jamaica for San Francisco, Dr Newton Gordon to highlight their concern.

According to Dufty, the meeting has been scheduled for April 7.

He says during the meeting the gay advocates will also highlight the recent US State Department report on homosexuals in Jamaica.

The report highlights that gays have been victims of mob violence in Jamaica.

The gay-rights group says it will urge immediate action from the Jamaican Government and demand that it protect citizens who are homosexuals.

Last year the national security ministry
issued a release saying the Government recognizes the rights of all citizens and condemns all attacks.

The release was issued after Prime Minister Bruce Golding appeared on the BBC hardtalk programme saying he would not tolerate gays in his Cabinet.

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