Miss Universe Jamaica strips Sharlene Radlein of crown

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Sharlene Radlein, the winner of the 2015 Miss Universe Jamaicapageant, has been stripped of her crown just weeks after filing a lawsuit against the franchise holders claiming that she had yet to receive her prize package.

The decision, made by the franchise holders on Friday, was announced Monday at a press conference at the Jamaica Pegasus hotel in New Kingston. This after they investigated Radlein for breach of contract.

“Since being crowned, we have painstakingly sought to guide Ms. Radlein in a manner which reflects the vision and ideals of the organization. However, her actions have been wholly inconsistent withthe culture of the pageant, both locally and internationally,” Miss Universe Jamaica said in a statement.

Speculation is that the alleged breach has to do with a clause that the Miss Universe Jamaica winner must live in Jamaica for at least 21 consecutive days each month following the pageant.

In a lawsuit filed in the Supreme Court on July 20, Radlein, 26, alleges that the MUJ franchise holders –  managers Karl Williamsand Mark McDermoth as well as Uzuri International Designs- breached an agreement in which she would receive a prize package valued at over JA$2 million, with the cash portion of said prize not being paid since January when she returned to Jamaica after competing in the 2015 Miss Universe pageant. Radlein was due to receive 12 equal installments of her cash prize, to be paid on the 25th of each month.

Additionally, Radlein says in the lawsuit that she has not received other prizes, including a scholarship to the New York Film Academy, spa treatments courtesy of Face Place as well as eye care products from Eye Q.

Court documents indicate that Radlein lives in New York.

The Miss Universe Jamaica franchise were given two weeks to acknowledge the claims served on them and six weeks to file a counter-claim.

Earlier this month, Williams confirmed that the franchise has indeed withholding payments from her since January, but are doing so because they are investigating Radlein for an alleged breach of contract.

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