New Artist Video: Machu Ezra – Make You Weak

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makeSong Inspiration:

“The whole inspiration behind “Make You Weak” was to visit a time in the 90’s where I believe music was at its best. BVD ONE (producer) and I wanted to emulate an era where music had good vibes, good feeling and a something to keep you moving. We wanted to put a fresh take on a nostalgic beat that would represent who I am as an artist as well as remind everyone of how great the 90’s was. After recording the song at Big Yard studio I knew it was time to release the video.”



makeyouweakVideo Inspiration:

“The creative process behind the video came to me when I finished writing the song and visualized how I wanted to see it. I wanted to capture a vintage Jamaica that not only represented love music but also fashion. I saw myself running through a city with the one I love helping her escape a bad relationship. I wanted to keep the concept simple as a representation of how video concepts were quite simple back then, simple effects, simple story line. The video which was directed by Nicholas Anglin ( @theanglei) was my partner in crime in bringing this to life. We headed out to Fort Rocky out at Port Royal and used the abandoned building. The video shows me running and passing by statue like figures who came to life when I passed them. This is a great video.”

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