Nivea Pregnant For Lil Wayne Too!!

1961 12


Looks like Lil Wayne will be saving in the future on birthday parties by just throwing a dual bash for his children from Nivea and Lauren – Am I the only one still shocked by the latter?

Anyway, a rep close to Lil Wayne has confirmed that Nivea, Lil Wayne’s fiance is indeed expecting and wedding bells will be ringing in a few months.

Ladies is it easier to deal with a man’s foolishness when he’s making some serious bread? Because I am at a lost for reasons why Nivea or Lauren thinks this is OK!

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12 Comments on "Nivea Pregnant For Lil Wayne Too!!"

  1. The Truth

    Just goes to prove the age old saying. Women are nothing but Ho’s only interested in money. I know, thats not PC. But let me ask you, would this loser be nailing these hot chicks if he was workin at McDonalds? I don’t think so!

  2. all yah need to stop cause him lookin dat fine…HE IS GAY…DUMB BITCHES
    lumity is the co he wit they the ones the killed 2-pac and all he wanted was to get out but he knew tooooooo much so they killed him so wile u thinking about hislil wayne dick some man had just got off it slow bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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