Protoje delivers cinematic visuals for powerful ‘Blxxd Money’ single

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Protoje shares a striking short film for his latest single

There are some songs that need interesting visuals to make it more appealing, and others that are so vivid that the entire picture instantly paints itself within each listener’s mind. Protoje’s single, Blxxd Money, is definitely the latter. In just under four minutes, the Jamaican artist packages a story of corruption into a catchy song that allows the message to sink in deeper with each replay of the single.

Today, Protoje brings his words to life with cinematic visuals for his latest single. Director, Che Kothari, explains that Blxxd Money had the instant energy of a soundtrack. “The visual is aimed to enhance the storytelling found in the song, illustrating how corruption at the top will inevitably make its way to the ground,” says Kothari.

It’s easy to create quick, formulaic music that only aims to keep the party going. However with every corner of the globe at his fingertips, Protoje is careful to consider the impact of his words and in turn, uses his platform as a means to highlight topics that are near to his heart. Many of us only picture the beautiful, carefree side of the tropical island but “Blxxd Money” tells the tale of two cities by bringing attention to the darker realities that are swept under the rug.

“There is a lyric in the song that says: ‘If what you see nuh really phase you, then you are the problem that we face too,’” Protoje explains. “The song itself speaks more about corruption on a high level, but with the video we wanted to illustrate how corruption seeps through all levels of society, and how we often become complicit in its perpetuation.”

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