Elephant Man freed from rape charge after complainant dies

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Elephant Man freedInternationally acclaimed dancehall star, Oneil Bryan, more famously known as Elephant Man has been freed from charges of rape and grievous sexual assault stemming from an alleged incident in January 2012.

The self-proclaimed ‘Energy God’ received the news Monday morning after it was revealed during a hearing at the Home Circuit Court that the female complainant in the matter had died. She was buried on January 17.

As a result of her untimely death – no cause of death was revealed – the crown rested its case against the entertainer, saying they could not present evidence against him. Additionally, under the Evidence Amendment Act, a written statement issued by the complainant could not be entered into proceedings.

Thus, the jury was instructed by Justice Marcia Dunbar Green to return a formal verdict of not guilty and the matter was adjourned.

The incident in question allegedly happened at Elephant Man’s St. Andrew home in January 2012, with the deejay being arrested and later granted bail as he awaited trial.

An ecstatic Elephant Man made several Instagram posts thanking God for Monday’s development, including videos of pastors praying over him at a local church.

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